PlanetSafe GT-DT Fuel Treatment is an industry leading bio-synthetic gasoline, diesel, and bio-diesel additive designed to protect and enhance the performance of your gasoline and diesel engines.
- 1 oz Treats 15 Gallons of Fuel
- 8 oz Treats 120 Gallons of Fuel
Primary PlanetSafe GT-DT benefits include:
- Improved fuel economy
- Reduces corrosion
- Boost in cetane number
- Better lubricity to protect the fuel system components–very important for ultra-low sulfur diesel
- Compatible with ultra-low sulfur diesel
- Improved cold weather properties–lower cloud point and lower pour point
- Reduced emissions
- Improved conductivity
- Improved fuel stability
- Reduced carbon deposits
- Includes: 8 oz PlanetSafe GT-DT Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Treatment
The industry standard lubricity in diesel fuel is a wear scar of 520 microns measured with the High Frequency Reciprocating Rig test (HFRR) using the industry standard ASTM D-6079 at 60 degrees C test. With PlanetSafe GT-DT added the independent lab tests show an HFRR wear scar of just 360 microns. This extra lubricity provides added protection to all the moving parts in your fuel system – allowing a smoother running vehicle and less wear.
Non-toxic, non-hazardous, but don't ingest it.